Page 68 - 21-22 Scholastic Dollars Catalog
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LEVELED COLLECTIONS GO ONLINE FOR TITLE LISTS! Accelerated ReaderĀ® Packs MS EXCLUSIVE If your students use Accelerated Reader, then these collections are perfect for your classroom library! Carefully-curated title assortments feature fiction, nonfiction, award winners, and contemporary classics. Each pack includes a storage tub! Paperback. 50 titles each. Grade 737440 737441 Grade 737442 737444 Grade 737445 737448 Grade 737449 737450 Grade 737451 737452 Grade 737453 737454 Grade 737455 737457 Grade 737458 Grade 737459 66 K Pack 1 Pack 2 1 Pack 1 Pack 2 2 Pack 1 Pack 2 3 Pack 1 Pack 2 4 Pack 1 Pack 2 5 Pack 1 Pack 2 6 Pack 1 Pack 2 7 $400.00 8 $400.00 $250.00 $250.00 $275.00 $275.00 $300.00 $300.00 $300.00 $300.00 $325.00 $325.00 $350.00 $350.00 $375.00 $375.00 Build your classroom libraries! Buddy Readers PS These easy-to-read storybooks correlate with Guided Reading levels! Each set includes five copies of 20 titles (100 books total), a teaching guide, and a sturdy storage box. Gr. PreK-1. $99.99 each. 831713 831715 831716 831717 866214 Level A Level B Level C Level D Levels E & F First Little Readers PS Jumpstart your early reading program with this collection of kid- pleasing little books that correlate with Guided Reading levels! Each set includes five copies of 20 titles (100 books total), a teaching guide, and a sturdy storage box. Gr. PreK-1. $86.99 each. 522301 Level A 522302 Level B 522303 Level C 811146 Level D 825656 Levels E-F 861553 Levels G-H Sight Word Stories PS Give kids targeted practice with high-frequency words with these boxed sets that correspond to Guided Reading levels A-D! Each set includes five copies of 25 titles (125 books total), a teaching guide, and a sturdy storage box. Gr. PreK-1. $99.99 each . 714917 714918 719419 714920 Level A Level B Level C Level D