Page 5 - Spring 2018 K-8 Booklist
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' .~ . Can a kid with a messy
‘I _ ’ past get a clean stan?
‘ 1 $599
'3' nc cnmiqs Secret .A53AS5,N5Cm[,..... s Fate of the Gods
mR“@_§g-vggocluv Hero Spclety. Mgr ‘ (Last Descelidanls.
Detention of Ilnum ESCENDAN5 j»; An Assassin s
Kvhelh gllark ilstrfigkeg by I C msormzcoos ‘ if creed” NIWBI
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ll J“ ’ - $699 “ ,"' fi>"g1gey!Las! Descendants
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,3! #372514 An — \ ‘_ “A $799
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‘I ' " ' Diary ofawimllv ,, ,, H Dnsforsnrrow
‘I DIARY Kid: The Getaway M D H) They teased her. They
1- ‘*5’ G‘ W i ¥§,“:';:;".c*:,7*:L:v:n“”d ONE fox ::;?‘::;:%*;::,:::
= W - their sirgss-f_ree vacation 8 O wants (avenge!
i becomes a n|ghIi;afE.99 $699
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