“It’s a Fact: School Libraries Work” by Mr. Schu
Anyone who has spent time with me or follows me on social media knows I care deeply about
creating positive library experiences for children and teachers.
The modern school librarian plays many roles within a school and is an invaluable resource for
literacy instruction, the integration of technology, and so much more.
With the release of the 2016 edition of
School Libraries Work!
, I feel more motivated than ever to
stand on mountaintops and shout about WHY school libraries are so important.
School Libraries
will empower educators, administrators, policymakers, and parents by arming them with
powerful research, recommendations, and support for school library programs.
Here are highlights from the report:
1. When school librarian staffing is reduced, achievement in ELA (English Language Arts)
School Library Journal
analysis found states that gained school librarian positions be-
tween 2005 and 2009 experienced larger increases and no decreases in National Assessment of
Education Progress (NAEP) reading scores for fourth grade, while states that lost school librarians
experienced smaller increases or decreases in reading scores.
2. Librarians play an integral role in teaching and supporting 21st-century skills.
A South
Carolina study commissioned by the South Carolina Association of School Librarians revealed that
students were more likely to show strengths and less likely to show weaknesses on writing stan-
dards if their school libraries were staffed with a full-time librarian plus a full- or part-time assistant.
3. Support of school librarians and libraries from school and district leaders is key.
In fact,
recent research has shown a strong relationship between test scores and the degree to which
the principal values and supports the library media program. A research paper from Marietta,
Georgia, details short- and long-term recommendations for school leaders to support and en-
hance student learning through high-quality library programs and certified staff.
2016 Edition
School Libraries Work!
See the full report at