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Student Booktalk Tips
Have fun!
Suggest other great reads.
“If you liked _____, then you’ll love this!” Think of a similar book which you know
was a hit in your school or classroom.
Enhance your presentation with props.
Carry an umbrella for a book about a rainy day, or wear a cap for a book about
baseball. Be creative! Just be sure not to wear anything that will muffle your
sound, such as a mask. What you are saying is much more important than how
you look!
Don’t give it all away.
Think of this like a preview, not a whole movie. Leave them begging for more!
End with a cliffhanger such as, “Will he get out in time?” Remember, the idea is
to get them interested enough to want to read the book.
Find a hook.
Consider your audience. Is there some element of this story that you know will
especially interest your peers? Perhaps there’s intense magic, an adorable
dog, or a talented surfer? Think about the aspects of the story that made it
engaging for you.
Open strong!
Think about starting your booktalk by asking a question: “What scares you the
most?” Or start by giving your thoughts on a character you loved: “This is the
bravest dog I’ve ever met.” Don’t start with something predictable like, “This
book is called…” or “This book is about…” Surprise and excite your audience!
Read your book thoroughly.
You might even want to take notes if inspiration strikes while you are reading!
Make sure this is a book you love; if you’d rate it less than an eight out of 10, find
a different book!
Permission to reproduce this item is granted by Scholastic Book Fairs.