Every Child a Super Reader: 7 Strengths
to Open a World of Possible
By Pam Allyn & Ernest Morrell
Every Child a Super Reader
shows educators how to help
students develop seven key strengths that transform them into
“Super Readers”—avid, passionate, critical readers. This book,
with its accompanying website, is an ideal resource to meet chil-
dren where they are both in skill level and learning environment.
The research-informed instructional strategies work equally well in
a summer or afterschool program, in the classroom, and at home.
ISBN-13: 978-0-545-94871-5
Retail $31.99 Now $25.49 (20% savings for educators)
Kwame Alexander’s Page-to-Stage Writing
Workshop: Awakening the Writer, Publisher,
and Presenter in Every Student
By Kwame Alexander
Kwame Alexander helps educators harness students’ creativity to
inspire them to become confident writers and public speakers.
Using print and online tools, students learn how to create a pub-
lished book, present their writing in public, and—throughout the
process—discover how to experiment with language and use it as
the gateway to skillful reading, writing, listening, and speaking.
ISBN-13: 978-1-338-026818-8
Retail $119.99 Now $89.99 (25% savings for educators)