Page 11 - Middle School Ideas Guidebook Fall 2018
P. 11

Tips for using a Student Crew
1. Start early and start small.
2. Use an existing school club, like your book club.
3. Make T-shirts or lanyards to identify your Crew members. 4. Share this Ideas Guidebook with them.
5. Search #mybookfair to find Fair inspiration together.
Form a Student
Crew that takes on more responsibilities. Appoint members Communications Specialists, Customer Service Specialists, Décor Managers,
and more.
Real-world STORY
Student Crew Helps School Pull Off New Event Strategy!
St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic School Southwest Ranches, FL
St. Mark started their Book Fair off on
the right foot by recruiting a team of
50 volunteers which included a strong Student Crew! The Crew did everything from setting up the Fair to conducting booktalks and creating themed décor. Then volunteers came up with a new event strategy. After spreading the word with an extensive promotional campaign, the school hosted a “Grand Opening Event,” “Pre-K Books for Buckaroos Event,” and an “Online Grand Event” with a con- test bonus that awarded a special lunch to the two students with the highest online sales. Thanks to their outstanding volunteers, nothing, not even Hurricane Irma, could stop St. Mark from pulling off a successful, event-packed Book Fair!
Toolkit Resource
p Build a sign-up sheet with volunteer roles, share it via email and
social media, and then track sign-ups. Volunteers receive email reminders and training materials so they arrive ready to help.
Share your ideas & photos #mybookfair Student Crew Get Volunteers

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