Page 2 - Fall 2017 K-6 Booklist 2
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Petethetalandthetooltal py Dog Pals'Design-a-Dog V ‘A M h” « ' H 1‘ 4- ""“"‘
fioogie Bingo and Roliv accidentally rip Bob‘sfavonte wmlfflgfiyflnlcorn . Star warsm: B378 0" the Run > ['_‘JA£DI
bmmberlymamejpean St<eUtfsf?1?1;1(1}‘e/5w||HheV beab|emMbef0~re he Thelma dreams of beingafabulous, sparklv unicorn! w111 : ' byD'eWDaywa”"”"S”atedbyMaflMye'5 I V THE FORIU
In msnewestadventumpetelearnshe g ' she learn to love whoshe is withoutthe glitzand glamour? ' ‘” Penemonhe Voungemansl
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mm 2 11311245 lEX.AD520L -. LEGO, /STAR WARSWBLE . ' !,__a,_y
HARDCOVER PICTURE BOOKSTABIE ‘ _ .%V_, I,‘___,_. ,__,_._.____ ' ' 9
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[~‘?~:"i 7‘? Pete * cat ‘ Snow Daze ‘ E'@ Qgkgmm‘ . ‘ 7 ' /xv"/* 1
\ i‘-SNOW “AZ? ' ' bylamesbean : L-as -$m»AmL:FDSWfl@mg “ ‘ Ta 1“ E“
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1" ’ . . J: ,1. 1 #373101 '33 3 I V Cr) ' 7 ° ° ‘ D’: - Ihishilariousunderwaler 1- www-
9' ‘.2 .1; ‘ e M i @ 1‘ . =' twistonafavofltecharatter Game on; Mowshinoh
ii-f.i.. ' ‘ "‘m°"S°?“'5*W'"°s°°a" ‘ » "n ' ‘ - indudesfunfaclsaboutsea ' - - -
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mt? ~mamm_m,,,,...¢ sell“ HY GUY 5 3'9 Famllv 2 ~ ';,::f;.. ,‘»'.§&«% L. ;;’§'.;; « = f d . Fun facts tips and tricks to byluke Flowers
1:, [J °o '7 fiQ¢ # byTeddAmoId , x ,..«—',g’: f" '" game‘ improve;/ourskills! MobvShinobiwa1
4 _v " " ,1 Q ._ Buzzplans a surprise f_ami|v *_ . .2. 1.: 31 Papa Peppy'5[
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Elephant & Piggie: I’m a Frog! ffiQ @ #370904 LEXAD.
by Mo W1/lerns _ #370949 @
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