Page 3 - Fall 2017 K-6 Booklist 2
P. 3

I:    ' m ‘  I ‘ :,‘.,; .' The New York Tie esiseiiing Series . ' AER
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5 Owl Diaries: _ Dr. l(itti_i(al: Magic Puppy: J  ‘ W w|]a[eve[Afle[$pe(ia| Ranger in Time:
Baxter is Missing Pumpkin the Hamster Spellbound at School Edition; Abby in wonde|'|and Escape from the Great
by Reberca Elliott b ylane (iarke _ by Sire Bentley % by 53,3], Mjynowjkj [aflhquake
Eva Owl is devastated when her Pumpkin has trouble following Lola is feeling left out and Q when Abby and he, mend; fa|| into by Kaye Meme,
pet batuoes missing. instructions. and he keeps tripping Ionelvalschqol  unlilshe  ‘ 1 Alice‘: story, they must escape before Ranger must help Lily and May
$439 0‘/9' hl3fi'353"i3l95- _'5 "W9 "W53 magma‘ PUPDVL the Queen of Hearts puts them on trial! avoid crumbling buildings and
3370754 Somelhlng Wl0n€lW|1hhlS€V€S? SPE[|A|_ PRICE $439 5 A R A W S K I Puzzles and games included! raging fires in order to get to
@ 54-99 #373328 LEx:69oL EXCLUSIVE PAPERBACK $6.99 WV-
@i6ZLEX:iZOL @ W” V _ A #310743 lEX:4l0l SPECIAL PRl(E$4.99
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ey take you? ‘Kai 9 »#‘:~
A; ' Starwarsforces ‘ l i I  I   4' .' 
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in; of Destiny :Daring Q’ ~i l =   Vq, E,,__K, ..  ‘ 
” ““" Adventures: Volumel . i i _ l‘;WL_;m:_;;"' :y>éscE~vA~TsA ‘
. 9 byfmma Carlson Berne ’ 1'   /
 The greatest girl heroes in ., " , - ..; § 9  I
" thegalaxvl |§ _,   F 1,4. .
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LEGO’/SIAR WARS“ TABLE A Newfromlhe “.5 1;‘. ; & s~§3:{_’  l  , ; ,.
. ’ " Science Guy‘ ‘ \  *~’ g ' “  / ‘
In x  '  I '  , VIN‘ 9'  ' / I  ,

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D\ Jedmademy: Jack and the Geniuses' Descendantszlunior llovel '.I“’§‘*" “ I Ilhehlas"("I(s on [am] mule

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HQ The Force oversleeps — At the Bottom 0' the wand "S-Edam battle between Wked and ' ® ' ‘ bl!?4B)IllAIiBalI§r iIIiIIIIaIedbyDou9lasHoI9aIe
DVERSLEEPS [7}’/3’’9“ 1- KTOSOUIY3 W3,"/iNyeg5,egg,VM0,,e evilandlhesekidsare madefortroublel / ‘ V. H ft h ' . l .
”9hI5*,‘b9'5»593‘9’3‘95» lack and his genius siblings go on EXCLUSIVE PAPERBACK $5.99 1 -  fgefneerI,§.§fl,'7§’},e§,‘1°§§[V”5f-L5,?

 :l‘ll“l“sl'i£‘ll‘l»'€ll‘ili T   Ir“ \ -  2-. -- all ‘ ‘ ” *9
_: $6 99 eXperimen9‘KfanaamISSIng @°'@ N..,,.,..,.,,s,;,,.;,iiii' -  ‘~ EX(lUSlllEVAlUE-PRICED

ED/g   #;7'0m person mystery! MA fit... a. HARMOVER $839

 ~ '@ .. V EXCLUSIVE PAPERBACK $6.99 l|Lnitr4t=4I'/ M M’ W. W‘-“

mm. #313043 LEX:680L d ‘_, \ \ ~‘, @

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2     ii  Isurviveil the American
3y <2’ ' '—=«n ‘ e i ‘~ l ‘V i : 7'? ‘ ~ ~ Revolution I116

33] EMEIIGEHGY! “J: E ,‘. , §\\‘—L\\4 '— ‘A, Zevrgzn-7ir;.1g;x:g;:_; bylauIenTarslIi’s

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»‘  , V»  7 Li l ; ~ . - “ I "  Aii Nate wanted wasto find his
  ' ti - fit l\l\\ c» ' W ’ - ‘ _ father. But now hestrapped ina
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- '1 5*" ' * ‘ . is C, -a‘  . A“   ..—"¥—*,,' - : . -
 'l::£"":‘- Sticlrers ‘I r’  ’  4 ‘L $8 I y  I £‘!‘£:X‘i: 3 “mm LEXWIL
_ »;- I  I _ :5 _ ' 3 - ~:. *~ g OOLED . - ,, _ @...@
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Ii: - lEGo® Emergentv! ,:::$r::::r::::"::r;1:;:::;..  V . .7 .. l .  l
(men Come to the rescue with LEGO Bow Wow _ Swing It, Sunny llnschooled _
minifiguresl hV5peIi£er0uinn _ _ bylenniferl.Holm&MaithewHoIm byAIIan Woodrow y _ H ‘ §e~ee.ez::: ||o"zon;3oo|(z;

ntgto makepizza $439 Ashalk |n1h€SWamD?B|rdIeand h_er Siimmer’soi_Ierand Sunny hasto deal Willstudentsplay fairorwill Spirit H\.aRIZ_aI\I Deadzone

;- She iwmhe _ dog Bowsernoticethatsharkfeveris withhomelifeANDmiddleschool! Weekmakelhistheworstschoolyear V b /e,,,,,-,«5.,,1_N,-, ,,

izza 9 #370916 LEX.650l. » - - , , . V 956‘
hiSninlflSki||S? ‘a”5'”93hadV d°'”95'"t°‘”"‘ SPECIAL PRICE $9.99 We’? .g i’! _\ lhesurviyors made itout otthe

mmmam EXCLUSIVE PAPERBACK $5.99 #371359 EXCLUSIVE PAPERBACK $6.99 v 2  jungle, but now one ofthe kids is
ml Allflailsrssswed. """" %i25@ @.,,@ #310723 LEx;73oi_ fl‘ A !_ chanlgiifitg. Will they be sorry they
°' Ancopyright zuwby lhswHn:lrri °' ' - r_ ever e '
I I BOOK - Reading,age,and grade levels  _‘. _ HARMOVER $1239
    FAIRS . 0 Create and share wish lists _;_ .-;,_.- _~ “"949
_ V 0 Shop the Online Fair‘ , , ,v 7 
- E  in SEARCH "BOOK FAlRS" .waemo..mer (9 W  _g . @°'@
'Online shopping available at participating schools ‘El !.E.""!"""..L5:£‘LE':§¥" :

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