Page 4 - Fall 2017 K-6 Booklist 2
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Middle Grade Must-Reads * E
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\# r x .\’ Real Friends 7 Ug|y »~m-=w°-«- Dirt » :17 E _
\ bV5/VWUNH-9/9-find [;yRg[7erH-/age byDenrxe6os/inerorenstein 1.»; ; 5.; '
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A‘"'°""9 “"5 "3"9|",9 /- ’ #372065 LEX.890L IE ' ’ her own house! 3 Altmx ua ‘uuasu u
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O '1 gt /V @or@ ~ Perfect for fans _ _ ;@.,,@ Inspired by
\.7-J" '|I|'-‘”"‘ \é of Wonder " Q’ - - ‘*1’:-‘_' atruestorv!
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O7 3 0 3;), Wish ~— rt 1:! ten Out ~ ~
_ '-‘ by Barbara 0’(onnor ‘ - by Tim Green Sink or Swim
§ v ' When Wishbone captures His deafness has been an by steve war/(ins
_ ,;;‘_ her heart, Eharliediscovers 3 U ‘ ‘ v 1 obstacle allhis life, but when hisbrotherisinjuredyColtonjoing
~ gr .' _ thatwhatshethoughtshe ‘ V nowtandqntinallvseeshis the Navvinhisplacewillhebeahleto
’ j : vpantedénati nfitbewhat 0 *— ,- than(e to fit In. S keep hisageasetretsurvive boot camp,
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7 ; .7‘ . O A g S5 99 ?~;.¢;: @129 great EXCLUSIVE PAPERBACK $5.99
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7 re mm me Green Ninja and W pokémon, induding Setrels of an overvrorld (lasing He_rohnne._ me creeper Drarres #1.
Game on! 2013 his mend; against the 9,," the new Alolan forms and Survivor: When lava An llnofficrgl Graphic Mo!) School Survrvor
The ultimate guidetothebestgames, featuring an Wfif|0fdG&UT]8l10g if_11h€ "'a""'"e‘|“99e""a'V mikes Nwelfolnlmflaflefi EXCLUSIVE PIPQBACK $7.99
igrterview with Youtubelegendtaptainsparklezr l§?£1|;g>fN|nJa90*C|1V! $439 SPECIAL PRICE $9.99 $14 l£)t660L
14.99 . - #372074 Lexssot rmrsae
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Darwinandkichardareready z. (J "N0"evervthing! Y "W \ I ‘;. --
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I - tu,I,€‘ neverseenbefore—InthIs -’ 2» ' LEXLexrleFramewmk‘fmReadrngLEXILE @mm,mmm m.E.mmR..m.m.Wm.mW..,r.tWm.
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' *“ "E" " . . . Belowareitemsmychildwishestobuyfromthis booklistz
W370 lsgholastrc Book Fair Vtfish List Bm,kT,,.E Pm
GRAPIIIHIOVEISTABIE 's‘2h"§.Z;".i’c°B*‘;'.§‘k‘2§’;‘I§"..’.§f,E',?§.,?§i,*{fi,m.,._ —-
Ellamenctostngi In cash —-
>5“. .— sho |tins"‘:U dated American GirI®: n _. —-
7 7 uItir'-'«atecoIIe"ctor’s ' menealz '~'5"5="h°°”5"=3e°v”t3°=kh'5?3s=~We» T
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