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All for Books is an easy and effective way to unite the school community

and provide more books for kids and teachers.

Scholastic Book Fairs


 will match

schools’ monetary donations with a donation of up to $1 million in books from The Scholastic

Possible Fund, which distributes books to children through organizations such as the

Kids In Need

Foundation, Reader to Reader, Inc.,

and the

National Center for Families Learning.

Participating in the All for Books program increases your Book Fair revenue. It also brings more

shoppers into your Fair. But the financial gains are just a side note to the real benefit of All for

Books – giving more books to more children.


Gives more kids a chance to be proud book owners • Provides kids access to books they want to read

through classroom libraries • Serves as an altruistic opportunity, teaching the importance of helping

others • Boosts Fair revenue


All for Books




Make a donation and

make a smile.

For each All

for Books donation, give

shoppers a yellow handprint

to write their name on and

tape to a smiley face poster.

Download the template for

both from the Toolkit.


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