Page 1 - Spring 2018 K-8 Booklist
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Finding Gobi: The True Projekt 1065: A Novel A Wrinkle in Time
Story of One Little of World War II Movie Tie-In Edition
Dog’s Big Journey Klvhen Mici:_ae| ulncoverffeiliecret Wherlja stranger iéwitets Meg
The Story of a dog‘ 3 runner’ azl opera Ion,_ e mus a e on a angerous a ven ure,
and the friendship that Changed Ioyaltyto the Hitler Youth! what comes next is an
both of theirlives forever. $699 5"”a°’d",WYJ°”'”9Y
special $699 Paperback through time and space!
#370539 LEX:78DL #375799 $899
#375257 LEX:630L