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Susan Haney

Susan Haney loves being the principal at Parma Elementary School in Parma, Michigan, where she has

been since 2005. Prior to working with the Western School District, Susan was a middle and high school

English and psychology teacher at Vandercook Lake Schools. She also spent a few years as a guidance

counselor, building administrator, and curriculum director.

Workshop: Falling in Love With Reading: A Journey Through the Lens of a Third Grade Classroom

Robin Hoffman

Robin Hoffman founded the Children’s Book Connection in 1981 with a curated collection of books for

preschool to eighth grade students. She joined Scholastic Book Fairs


in 1992 and leads the booktalk and

podcast programs, helping educators and families share books with children of all ages.

Workshop: Booktalking: Transforming Dormant to Passionate Readers

Sylvia Ibarra

Sylvia Ibarra is a lifelong educator with 26 years of experience in public education. She has worked as a

teacher, counselor, and bilingual director in previous jobs. Currently, Sylvia serves as principal at Jackson

Elementary School in McAllen, Texas, a Title I school serving 800 students. As a school principal, she

wholeheartedly believes that literacy is the single most important skill that students need to acquire to

learn across all subjects. Therefore, she strives to instill a love for reading in her students and encourages

them to read on a daily basis.

Workshop: Raising the Achievement Bar With Independent Reading

Paige Jaeger

Paige Jaeger is an author, editor, speaker, and former school administrator. She spent 12 years as a

teacher-librarian at both the elementary and secondary levels. Paige earnestly believes educators need

to challenge students to think.

Workshop: The Seven Habits of Highly Impactful Librarians

Marci Lang

Marci Lang is a sixth grade teacher at Zaharis Elementary School in Mesa, Arizona. As an educator for

more than 18 years, Marci has a passion for teaching and a special love for children’s literature. A former

faculty associate at Arizona State University, Marci has led teacher workshops and professional devel-

opment sessions across the country on reading aloud, readers’ and writers’ workshops, and learning

through inquiry. She uses books in her classroom to build relationships with her students, engage and

motivate them, and cultivate their love of reading.

Workshop: Inspire, Instill, Ignite: Sparking a Love for Reading in Your Classroom!

Anne Lee

Anne Lee joined Scholastic Book Fairs


in 2000. As the senior leader of independent reading advoca-

cy, she currently is responsible for developing outreach programs for school principals, teachers, and

families and also serves as a company spokesperson for Read and Rise, a research-based early literacy

program designed to make reading a habit at home. She serves as a foundation board member of the

National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP) and works to promote and advance ele-

mentary and middle-level education through advocacy for school administrators. She is honored to serve

as a LitWorld Advisory Council member and to lobby for the global rights of all children to be literate and

develop a love of reading.

Workshop: Independent Reading: Where We’ve Been. Where We’re Going.