Find a special time and place to read to your child. Pick the best time for both of you to read
together for 20 minutes each day.
Find a story that you and your child will love to read. Keep your child interested in the story by
reading it with emotion.
many chapters you will read each day.
When you begin to read a new story, look at the cover, read the title of the story, and show your
child where the author’s name is located.
Do a brief picture-walk through the story looking quickly at each of the pictures in the book.
Ask your child, “What do you think this story is going to be about?”
• When you’ve
reading, use question cards to ask your child about the story.
Then, have
the question
the story!
• Pick out three or four vocabulary words you
in the story. Ask your child what each
word means.
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Use the space below to write down one thing you learned and will practice at home: