a consistent time to read with your child. It will become a wonderful habit.
Picture-walk through the story. Have your child predict what the story is going to be about.
Find the title and the autho
some of the lines on a page in your book. You read the sentence first, and then have
Keep the read-together a fun experience for the whole family. Try these two read-together
part of a story or a page in the book together. You read part of the page first;
then have your child read the same part with you again. Use your pointer finger as you read
the words in the story.
Continue the read-aloud to finish the book or
your child read that same sentence after you. Point to the words as they are read. Stop echo-
• Remember to ask questions about the story. Let your child be the teacher. Have him/her
• Have your child re-tell the story in his/her own words. What happened
What happened
after? (Reference a
event in the story when asking this question.) How did the
story end?
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Use the space below to write down one thing you learned and will practice at home:
the chapter.