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Helping Your Child Prepare
for Kindergarten
You can do many things to help prepare your child for learning. And the more
you learn together, the happier your child will be.
Invite your child to help you with simple things around
the house. This will make your child feel important
and useful. With your assistance, use that time to help
your child develop confidence, as well as valuable
math and language skills like matching, sorting clothes,
measuring ingredients, counting, reading simple words
from a shopping list, or finding a word on a specific
item on the pantry shelf.
Check out
scholastic.com/parentsfor more free tools and advice.
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Read out loud to your child every day.
Have your child “read” to you, even if they
are not actually reading yet.
Let your child draw, “write,” and doodle
often. Provide blank paper or a notepad to
use that is their own.
Have family storytelling time.
Do fun learning activity booklets together.
Have conversations and be a good listener.
Play games – for instance, games involving
rhyming, counting, matching, or guessing.
Limit television time to educational
programs that you watch together.
Read road signs, grocery-store signs, fast-
food signs, license plates, street signs, and
house numbers as you travel together.
Visit the public library often.
Go to the library and select dual-language
audio books.
Select vocabulary-building bilingual
children’s books.
Label all of the items in your home with
index cards. For example, “door” posted
on the front door, etc.
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