We invite you to use the information on these pages as a guide to grow your independent reading culture
and make the most of your Book Fair. For each group, the top tools and resources are highlighted for easy
reference. Enjoy these no-cost tools and resources to propel your independent reading culture forward.
• Sign up for the Reader Leader blog:
scholastic.com/bookfairs/readerleader• Watch the Mr. Schu Goes to the Book Fair web series:
scholastic.com/bookfairs/schu-visits• Review and share the
School Libraries Work!
research that supports the effectiveness of school libraries:
scholastic.com/SLW2016• Host a Scholastic Book Fairs
family reading workshop during Book Fair week. These workshops support
the power of daily reading practice at home, as well as innovative ways to ensure book access and
ownership with no-cost resources:
scholastic.com/bookfairs/programs(pages 15-38)
• Encourage the whole school community to share booktalks daily — this is a proven strategy to create
demand and interest in reading for pleasure:
scholastic.com/bookfairs/booktalks• Invite the staff to attend a Book Fair preview to increase their knowledge of the newest in children’s
• Sign up for the Reader Leader blog:
scholastic.com/bookfairs/readerleader• Ensure daily independent reading in the classroom and at home. Support resources:
- Nancie Atwell: The World’s Best English Teacher:
booksmakeadifference.com- Donalyn Miller:
slideshare.net/Donalynm/creating-classrooms-where-readers-flourish- Penny Kittle:
• Share booktalks daily. Create a culture where books are the center of conversations; a variety of genres
and titles are celebrated; and students are inspired to try books that interest them:
• Send home communications and tools to families to support daily reading at home.
- Share the parent site from Scholastic:
scholastic.com/parents.On this site, your families can sign up
for free newsletters and take advantage of hundreds of free resources.
- Free brochures from Jim Trelease:
trelease-on-reading.com/brochures.htmlMake the Most of Your