Mr. Schu Goes to the Book Fair
by John Schumacher
Mr. Schu invites you to virtually visit a Book Fair with him
every week. He wants to tell you about must-read books,
take you behind the scenes with authors, illustrators,
and Scholastic employees, and share practical and
innovative ways to build excitement before, during, and
after your Scholastic Book Fair.
We Are
All Reader
When we fall out of our daily reading
habits, reviving them becomes
challenging. Both adults and children
struggle to prioritize reading at times.
When we make time for reading, we
communicate to children that reading
matters. Our personal investment
in reading inspires children to read
, but it’s too easy to push reading
to the back burner. We cannot slide
into an aliterate state while telling our
children, “Reading is important!"
If we want our children to become
lifelong readers, we must show
them how to maintain a reading
habit when life gets busy. Children
are watching and learning from our
behaviors as much as our words.
How do our reading stances and
about reading? What messages are
we communicating to our children
about reading and its value? We are
all reader leaders for children, and our
personal orientation toward reading
by Donalyn Miller
Want more?
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educators, the latest in educational news, and
no-cost downloadable apps and resources for your
faculty, students, and parents.
Nathanson, S., Pruslow, J., & Levitt, R. (2008). The reading habits
and literacy attitudes of inservice and prospective teachers. Journal of
Teacher Education, 59(4), 313-321.
Krashen, S.D. (2004) The power of reading: Insights from the research.
Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.
Watch the
Mr. Schu Goes to the Book Fair
web series
scholastic.com/bookfairs/schu-visitsIllustration by Dan Santat