Family Involvement:
Kindergarten Readiness
The Kindergarten Readiness session helps families prepare their children
for the transition into kindergarten. This interactive workshop gives
parents information and handouts explaining what is expected of
children when they enter kindergarten, the pre-reading skills needed
to learn to read, the importance of reading to children every day, and
related activities families can provide at home to support their children’s
reading and learning success at school. It includes an easy-to-use set of
program activities that are fun and engaging for parents and adult
family members.
Current Research
The academic success of children in later
years depends heavily upon their kinder-
garten readiness. The first few years of
education and preparedness are the most
crucial to establishing a solid foundation from
which children can adapt to school systems
and learn successfully. During this period,
children develop primary skills that form the
foundations of reading, counting, and social
– “Kindergarten Readiness:
Why Is It Important?,” United Way, 2012
Learning to read and write starts at home,
long before children go to school. Very early,
children begin to learn about the sounds of
spoken language when they hear their family
members talking, laughing, and singing, and
when they respond to all of the sounds that fill
their world. They begin to understand written
language when they hear adults read stories to
them and see adults reading newspapers,
magazines, and books for themselves.
– A Child Becomes A Reader: Proven Ideas From
Research for Parents (Kindergarten through
Grade 3), National Institute For Literacy, 2006