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is granted by Scholastic Book Fairs
Recognize their possessions, backpacks, lunchboxes, jackets, etc.
Gets at least eight hours of sleep each night
Know the name of many things
Know if a book is upside down
Look from left to right when “reading” a book
Recognize letters of the alphabet
Begin to write letters of the alphabet
Recognize their names and are beginning to write their names
Know the sounds that some letters of the alphabet make
Hear the first sound in a simple word like “ball”
Hear words that rhyme in books like
Cat in the Hat
Show interest in books, turn pages, and pretend to read
Hold conversations and tell simple stories
Tell you what they like about a book
Please be sure your child:
Starting Progressing Mastered
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Receives health checkups at least
once a year
Receives all required immunizations
to enter kindergarten
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Is Your Child Prepared
for Kindergarten?